Our Supporters

The Lending Cupboard™ gratefully acknowledges the very generous support of these individuals, service clubs, foundations, and corporations in the 2023/2024 year.
Ambassador ($5,000+)
Aqueduct Foundation (Sutherland Foundation)
Diane Bryant
Faye Hallett
Joan Donald
Mary Jane Hepworth
Kinsmen Club of Red Deer
Derrel Plackner
Red Deer Twilight Homes Foundation
Shayla Cole
Visionary ($2,500 - $4,999)
Cynthia Fenwick
Katherine Lacey
Steve Lawson
RBC Community Investment
The Average Joe Den Inc
Partner ($1,000 - $2,499)
Barry Anderson
Nick S and Marian N Belich
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Dorothy and Ruth Bower
Ken Brown
Christian Labour Association of Canada
Jeff and Hayley Giesbrecht
Jean Gilliat
Donald Grayston
Guthrie Holdings Ltd.
Chris Hansen
John Herron
Kimberley Holland
Dennis & Linda Hueppelsheuser
Joan Joberty
Life Saver Girl Ltd.
Doris Lund
Daniel Mulrooney
Bjorn Pedersen
RBC Payroll Incentive
Red Deer Central Lions Club
Eunice Schulz
Karen Schurman
Andrew and Lori Shatto
Sylvan Lake Lions Club
Lori Tucker
Rene Weber
Friend ($500 - $999)
Alix Village Shoppe Society
Aspelund Sons of Norway Lodge
Mathew Born
Frieda A Boukall
BPOE Red Deer #85 Elks Lodge
Gary Braun
Michael Burchak
Robert Caple
David Carlyle
Brenda Clements
Joan Daviduck
Robert J.A Dussault
Moris and Hazel Flewwelling
Eileen Gallagher
Ed Grose
Hugh & Carole Kellough
Al and Kim Lucas
Leslie and Jeanette Martel
Karen Martinoski
Debbie Mazzei
Dawna C Morey & Gary McCaskill
Clem and Karen Nadon
Brenda Neufeld
Olds Lions Club
Dwight Oliver
Order of Eastern Star
Penny Richey
Maxine Rumohr
Micheal & Teresa Shea
Bryon and Barbara Skretting
Janet M Sole
Terry Susut
Shirley Tennant
The Coverall Shop Ltd
Towne Place Suites by Marriott
Arelin Z Von Hollen
Douglas Walker
Marg Walker
Janet R Walter
Larry and Leanne Walton
Darren K Ward Lorraine S Way
Sherrie Webb
Beverly Zaporozan
Good Neighbour ($200 - $499)
1877659 Alberta Ltd
2268437 Alberta Ltd/Northey Remedy's RX Pharmacy
Gerene Albrecht
Dianne Anderson
Judy Anderson
Tony C & Dianne C Armstrong
Phyllis Arseniuk
Wendy Asman
Bruce and Tamay Baker
Sandee Baker
Sandra Ballum
Deborah Beck
Melodie Bedu
Kevin Bettesworth
Kathleen Bickley
Lynn A Biluk
Amanda Blair
Wendy Blauel
Germaine Boak
Brad Boulding
Charlie Bredo
Carol M Brewer
David Brown
Barry & Beverly Budvarson
Marianne Buit
John Garry Burch
Don Buskas
Judith Cass
Rod Ceccato
Blain Chapman
Kathy Cole
Lois Collier
Leslie Collins
Rod Connelly
Mary Corden
Dianne & Charles Cousens
Heather Cowie
William Craig
Evelyn Cummins
Arlene Cupples
James Stanley Dall
Mike Dawson
Lewis Dell
Velma Dick
Muriel Dodd
Victor Doerksen
Michael and Robin Donlevy
Laura Doran
Judy Douglas
Edythe Dracek
C&D Dumenko
Stefan Durdik
First Christian Reformed Church
David Fleming
Edward Forner
Deborah Foster
Betty Francis
Gail and Mark Frisky
Alvin Ganser
Ben Gardipee
Trudie Gefle
Greg Gillette
Iris Gilley
Ester Ginther
Dave and Lori Goldstrom
Gerald Good
Colleen Graham
Marilyn Gray
Green Acres (Pine Lake) Ltd
Ian Hartley
Clement Hebert
Kerry Hebert
Marilynne Herron
Kenneth Heywood
Faye Hilman
Wendy Hislop
Joe Hopner
Helen Hoszouski
Chris Hume
Gerald Russell Hutton
Margaret Irving
Dawn H JensentFaye Jensen
Bernard Johanson
Allen Johnson
Maxine Johnston
Larry and Linda Johnstone
Walter and Tiiu Kalev
Norman and Jean Kanngiesser
Gerald Kemle
Brenda J Kersell
Kinsmen Club of Innisfail
Doreen Krause
Jamie Kullman
Lacombe Denture Clinic Ltd.
Lakeside Social Workers
Ron Landon
Fred Lane
Ronald and Diane Law
James Lazzari
Charlie Lee
James Lennie
Anita Leung
Linda Liptak
Randy Loberg
Derek & Lynette Loonstra
Colin Lowden
Marlee MacDonald
Rod Macdonald
Judith Machtans
Patricia MacWhirter
Donna Martin
Enid Martin
Cody McBride
Wendell McCrea
Karen McDonnell
Geri McNeil
Jane and Jerry Miskew
Donald Mockford
Paul Molgat
Rose Marie Monea
Don and Bev Montgomery
Sherron Moos
Nearly New Books
Betty Neuert
Aurelie Nevile-Smith
Patricia Nicholson
Janet Nighswander
Jennifer Oborne
Noreen Odell
David Oettgen
Paul Ollenberger
Reg Olsen
Kathy Patras
Larry and Lucy Paulson
Ruth Peach
Brian and Gail Peterson
Sheryl Philip
Philipsen Farm Ltd.
Diane F Phillips
David Plosz
Rene Poirier
Wendy Pollitt
Mary Anne Pollock
Allan Poole
Lavern Poulton
Kathleen Primrose
Richard & Brenda Radu
Agnes Reid
Robert Reid
Margaret R Rice
Cheryl Roach
Rocky Agricultural and Stampede Assoc
Harry Ropchan
Norma Ross
Gerald Ryall
Deborah Sarkozi
Kevin Sawatzky
Martin Schultz
Jeremy Sealock
Barbara Secretan
Ron Sehlstrom
Stan Simpson
Christine Sloman
Donna Smith
Roderick Smith
Chris W Snow
Patricia Stannard
Elaine Strubhar
Robert & Eleanor Sugarman
Todd Swerda
Henry W Sybulka
The Corner Butcher
Shirley Thomas
Felix Thompson
Tracy Thompson
William Tirrell
Richard Titterington
Tim Trofimuk
Juanita R Trout
Michael Truant
Esne Tyson
John Ubels
Unit #248 (A.C.B.L.)
Les and Dienie Vasseur
Nancy Verdin
Charlotte Victor
Janet Walker
Lorne Wallace
James Ward
Helen Warminski
Marlene Watts
Sharon Watts
Edward & Viola Wettlaufer
Murray & Annette Wiersma
Bryan and Lynn Wilson
Ky-Lee Wilson
Muriel Winder
Jeanette Wipf
Allan & Irene Woitt
Wolf Creek Retired Teachers Association
Women of the Moose
Cheryl Wowk
Karen M Yetter
Jody Zeniuk
A gift made in honor of a loved one is a special way to celebrate that person’s life and the impact they have made. We are grateful at The Lending Cupboard™ for those gifts that we have received in the 22/23 year and cherish with the families the legacy that their loved one has made.
Gifts have been made in Memory of:
Akemi Kato-Scharfenberg
Al Cosh
Alfio and Phyllis Truant
Arthur Unger
Barbara Sagan
Betty Jean Stoupe
Dana Jacob -Vernon Sieben
Doug Carson
Eileen Gallagher
Elsie Newton
Erhard Poggemiller
Florence Surgenor
Gilbert (Merle) Buschert
Gordon Hill
Heather Yakimchuck
Ian Ross
James Baggs
James Wade
John MacDougall
John Rantala
John West
Jonathan Raessler
Joseph G Mclaughan
Ken Bradshaw
Ken Tighe
Leo Quinlan
Leonard Freelove
Leonard Opseth
Lois Simpson
Luella Kowalsky
Marjorie Bettesworth
Marjorie Lazzer
Mary Bizuk
Pearl McCaskill
Sarah White
Sheila Duff
Stan Maki
Tony Sonnleitner
Vernon Sieben
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give!”